Walleye Catch Statistics
In order to help you plan trip times or just satisfy your statistical curiosity, we at Bloemendaal Guide Service have put together a page here tracking number of days fished, big fish caught (walleye over 20 inches), and the biggest fish of that lake and/or month.
2019 Walleye Stats
Given that the guide service didn't go full time until late August, we obviously got many more fishing days in during September and October than some of the other months, but you can still get an idea of the trends. July was probably the best month for numbers of quality fish on a whole, but once the fall bite got going, October dominated in terms of the ratio of big fish. Also lake Sakakawea far and away produced the most big fish (in total and on a per day basis) of any location we went, though Leech Lake was strong for the two days we actually did some walleye fishing there. Devils was pretty solid too, especially in the fall.